The ancient saying "Wear gold in the left hand - silver in the right hand" has become a cultural tradition, a rule that many people follow. However, few people know the origin and profound meaning behind this proverb. Please join Shimmersliver in reading the article below to better understand why Wear gold on the left hand - Wear silver on the right hand.


The ancient saying "Wear gold in the left hand - silver in the right hand" has become a cultural tradition, a rule that many people follow. However, few people know the origin and profound meaning behind this proverb. Please join Shimmersliver in reading the article below to better understand why Wear gold on the left hand - Wear silver on the right hand.

⭐️ Meaning of gold and silver

Gold and silver jewelry are valuable feng shui items that help improve health, ward off evil spirits, and bring prosperity and fortune, so when wearing them, you also need to refer to the law of left and right.

Since ancient times, gold has been considered a valuable item that brings wealth and fortune. Silver is an exorcism item that wards off evil spirits and bad luck. Gold and silver bracelets also have a very positive energy field for the wearer. Therefore, they are not only decorative jewelry but also feng shui items that many people trust and love.

However, many people wear it because it feels "convenient". Normally, most of us are right-handed, so many people, no matter what bracelet or ring, prefer to wear it on their left hand.

Why should gold jewelry be worn on the left hand ?

According to many feng shui concepts, gold is often worn on the left hand (especially rings), while silver is worn on the right hand. For bracelets, it is preferable to wear them on the right side rather than the left.

The reason for choosing the right or left hand is related to the symmetrical structure of the body. The heart is on the left, the liver and lungs are on the right. Left hand goes in, the right hand goes out. The left hand near the heart symbolizes love, the right hand symbolizes strength. 

Therefore, gold is often worn on the left hand to honor love, attract fame, fortune and bring happiness and good meaning. The silver bracelet worn on the right side has the effect of repelling evil spirits and creating peace.

In particular, for engagement rings or gold wedding rings, wearing them on the left hand is recommended to be closer to the heart and express lasting love, while increasing the bond between two people, husband and wife.

✨ Meaning of wearing silver jewelry on the right hand

Accordingly, silver rings should be worn on the right side when going to places that need to ward off evil spirits and demons such as: going to cemeteries, going to funerals, visiting prisons, going to hospitals, going into deep forests, going to temples, etc should also be worn.

Wear silver on your right hand to remove negative energy. Meanwhile, if you pray for fortune, participate in auctions, etc., you can wear it on your left hand. If worn on both hands, silver should be divided on the right and gold on the left.


In short, wearing gold on the left hand - Wearing silver on the right hand has spiritual and health significance as well as contributing to bringing luck and fortune, repelling evil spirits or bad omens to the wearer.


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