With a passion for the Lotus flower, I always desire to present the graceful beauty of Vietnam’s national flower in every art design. Through time, these designs grew along each era of my life, fulfilled with experiences of finding such magnificent fascination. And the “Purity” bracelet, born in 2019, was introduced as a remark beginning on making Shimmer’s designs more “integrity - compassion - excellence”.

No longer being a basic Lotus bud, “Purity” portrays the image of Lotus flowers “muses” fully blossoming in the pond. The blooming Lotus pond radiates its beauty, rising from the mud but still maintaining its gracious, purity, and bright spirit. I transfer these memories about the pure beauty of the Lotuses in my dream into the “Purity” bracelet - truly for the little girls with dreamy spirits. Especially, each bracelet is crafted using the professional techniques of Vietnamese silversmith. Each engraved is mosaicked with mother-of-pearl so that every single bracelet can be more “shimmering” and splendid.
I hope this design with the name “Purity” (Khiết) (as in “thanh khiết” - purity in Vietnamese) is not only a delicate silver bracelet but can also be on behalf of myself “spreading” the stories. Besides, this bracelet also tells a part of my memory about traditional beauty full of belief about the purest value deep inside my soul.
A pure and full of dreams soul is what we will always embrace, like the first days.
“The dreams lying deep in our soul are the most shimmering and purest ones”
Uyển Trương - Founder of Shimmer.